IHEQN Documents
Speaker Presentations from IHEQN Workshop on 'Effective measures for Closing the Feedback Loop with Students in Quality Assurance and Enhancement Processes', 10 December 2014
The purposeful process of the seekingout and collection of information in an informal style as part of a sincere effort in explaining unfolding phenomenon in the world of the third level student: Paper/ Presentation (Keith Ricken, GAA Officer, Cork Institute of Technology)
Guidelines for the Approval, Monitoring and Review of Collaborative and Transnational Provision
In May 2013, the IHEQN published Guidelines for the Approval, Monitoring and Review of Collaborative and Transnational Provision. The document can be accessed from the link below:
Common Principles for Follow-through on Quality Improvements identified through Quality Reviews
In January 2010, the IHEQN network published Common Principles for Quality Improvements identified through Quality Reviews. The document was devised to capture some high-level common principles around the elements of the process carried out by higher education institutions when following-through on findings and recommendations arising from quality reviews.
Common Principles for Follow-through on Quality Improvements identified through Quality Reviews (PDF 42 KB)
Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance/Quality Enhancement
In December 2009, the IHEQN network published Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance/Quality Enhancement. The common principles were devised to help make clear how students can be involved both in internal and external quality assurance arrangements within higher education institutions.
Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance/Quality Enhancement (PDF 76 KB)
Provision of Education to International Students: Code of Practice and Guidelines for Irish Higher Education Institutions
In September 2009, the IHEQN network published ‘Provision of Education to International Students: Code of Practice and Guidelines for Irish Higher Education Institutions ‘. The code of practice and guidelines were developed to enable higher education institutions to set their own education provision arrangements for international students against agreed sector wide benchmarks. It is intended that all higher education institutions will make a conscious commitment to adopt and maintain these standards in relation to the recruitment, reception, education, postoral care and welfare of their international students ensuring the continuing high standing of Irish higher education institutions as education and training providers worldwide.
Principles of Good Practice in Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement for Higher Education and Training
In May 2005, the IHEQN agreed the following principles of good practice for quality assurance / quality improvement in Irish higher education and training.
IHEQN_Principles_of_Good_Practice (PDF 62 KB)
‘And Never the Twain Shall Meet’? Exploring Quality Assurance and Professional Accreditation/Recognition in a Changing World
In October 2006 the IHEQN held its inaugural conference on the topic of quality assurance in higher education and how it co-exists with professional accreditation and recognition requirements. The following paper was devised in order to provide an overview for conference delegates of how higher education and training organisations and professional bodies operate (particularly in terms of quality assurance and accreditation/recognition processes) and to outline the national and European developments impacting upon them.
Quality Assurance and Professional Accreditation / Recognition (96KB)
In November 2007 the member organisations developed a Conference Update Paper which reviewed the objectives of the conference and considered how these the member organisations attempted to address these goals through the conference and since: Update Paper Cover.pdf (51 KB) Update Paper Text.pdf
Principles for Reviewing the Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Procedures in Irish Higher Education and Training
Reviews of the ‘effectiveness’ of quality assurance procedures are a fundamental element of the external system of quality assurance in Irish higher education and training. ‘Effectiveness’ reviews are undertaken at the institutional level by bodies or agencies external to the higher education institution under review, and allow for periodic evaluation of how well a quality assurance system in an institution is operating and whether it is delivering the intended outcomes for which it has been established. The IHEQN has adopted Principles for Reviewing the Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Procedures in Irish Higher Education and Training which can be downloaded here: Principles_for_Reviewing Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Procedures.doc (81 KB)