Higher Education / Professional Body Contact List
One of the primary objectives of the IHEQN's inaugural conference 'And never the twain shall meet'? Exploring quality assurance and professional accreditation/ recognition in a changing world, was to identify further communication opportunities and vehicles for communication between higher education institutions and professional bodies.
In order to contribute to improved communication, the IHEQN has compiled a spreadsheet of contacts in higher education institutions and professional bodies. This listing is made up of registrars, directors and heads of quality assurance offices in higher education institutions. In the case of professional bodies, CEOs and directors, along with details of individuals responsible for education, have been listed. The purpose of the spreadsheet is to provide an easy reference point for higher education institutions and professional bodies who wish to diversify and widen their range of contacts. The list is not definitive and the IHEQN welcomes any additions or amendments which can be emailed directly to info@iheqn.ie.
The spreadsheet can be accessed at the following link:
Higher Education / Professional Body Contact List February 2008_(107 KB)