Role & Structure
The role of the Irish Higher Education Quality Network is to:
- Provide a forum for discussion of quality assurance issues amongst the principal national stakeholders involved in the quality assurance of higher education and training in Ireland and to stimulate wider debate
- Provide a forum for the dissemination of good practice in quality assurance amongst practitioners and policy makers involved in the Irish higher education and training sector
- Endeavour, where appropriate, to develop common national principles and approaches to quality assurance in Irish higher education and training.
The membership of the Network will consist of the principal stakeholders - practitioners, policy makers and students - involved in quality assurance in Irish higher education and training, as set out below:
- Conference of Heads of Irish Colleges of Education - 1 representative
- Department of Education and Skills - 2 representatives
- Dublin Institute of Technology - 2 representatives
- Higher Education Colleges Association - 2 representatives
- Higher Education Authority - 2 representatives
- Institutes of Technology Ireland - 2 representatives
- Irish Universities Association - 2 representatives
- Quality and Qualifications Ireland - 2 representatives
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland - 1 representative
- Union of Students in Ireland - 2 representatives
Operating principles
The Network's main operating principles are as follows:
- The Network will be chaired on an annual and rotating basis by a single member of one of the organisations represented in the Network - all of the participating organisations will chair the Network in turn
- The tenure of the incoming chairperson will begin in October and end the following September
- The secretaryship of the Network will be filled on a permanent basis by one of the representatives of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) - QQI representatives will not, therefore, participate in the chairing of the Network
- The chairperson and secretary will prepare and circulate agendas and supporting documentation for each Network meeting
- The Network will meet at least four times a year
- The Network will, when appropriate, convene smaller sub-groups to produce draft policy papers and other documentation for discussion by the larger group.